Geo-design is a collaborative planning and design method that supports the creation of various design alternatives in an iterative process and finally converging these alternatives into a collective vision. The method uses geographical information systems (GIS)-based analytic and design tools to help explore alternative future scenarios in response to stated problems. After the geo-design study preparation, usually developed using GIS software, online geodesignhub provides a user-friendly platform to put knowledge into action, the real-time assessment of their impacts and overall performance, and the negotiation among different alternatives aiming at achieving a final design based on consensus.
Basic Information on the Method
Mode of communication
Face-to-face, Online, Both
Group size
Geographical scale
Public space, Neighbourhood, City, Region
Skills required
Average, Advanced
Resources needed
Level of Involvement
Level of involvement
Involve, Collaborate, Empower
Type of knowledge enabled
Convergence - Small groups
Additional Criteria
Planning phase
Planning & Design
Methodological approach
Expressive, Organisational